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Minggu, 18 April 2010

Eye Cream: Do We Really Need Them?

There is always a constant debate over if you should use an eye cream or if it is just another skin care myth that the skin care companies spread so that you will buy another product from them. I definitely understand why so many would be weary of buying a product that they don't know if they need or not, but the fact is that your eye area is a completely different issue than let's say dryness on your face. So the fact is that an eye cream can be a very good addition your skin care regimen and here is why this is so.

First of all, puffy eyes cannot be just fixed if you sleep a little bit more. I know I have heard so many people say that the only reason my eyes are so puffy is because I am not sleeping well or I am not sleeping enough. The truth is that although sleeping will help, your eyes need a little more help than that. Fluid retention is the real reason why your eyes become swollen so you can see how just sleeping is not going to fix this. You need something to release the fluid and allow it to go where it was supposed to be. An eye cream with ingredients that target that exact area are going to be the best and quickest fix regarding the issue of puffy eyes. Also, the more natural or organic the ingredients are the better the outcome. For example, and ingredient by the name of Eyeliss is perfect for helping release fluid that is stuck in our system. Due to its peptide (amino acids grouped together ) base, Eyeliss has the ability to sink into your skin quick and go straight to the issue.

How about those dark circles? They can definitely not be fixed by just using a moisturizer. The reason dark circles are formed has to do with the blood cells in our body. When the capillaries under our eyes are not circulating as well as the ought to, blood cell can escape from the vein and make a home in our skin. From there, these blood cells are broken down in our bodies sometimes leaving behind their reddish purplish color and this is how under eye circles are formed. As you can see, from this point of view the only way for this issue to be fixed for it to be healed from the inside out. The only way to do this would be to use some type of eye cream or a procedure done through a dermatologist. Other than that, there are very few home remedies for the under eye circle issue without leading to a further irritation under your eyes. There is no need to fear though, many eye creams now a day have ingredients that can dissolve the stain under your eyes and are very gentle with the skin. Take for example another great peptide based ingredient by the name of Haloxyl. This eye cream ingredient has the ability to help with your body's natural process to remove the stains and the left over red bloods cells that are left under our eyes. It is done by using the flavones molecule Chrysin which is excellent at breaking up renegade blood cells. So instead of being upset that nothing is working for you, look for an eye cream featuring this ingredient to solve your issues. The results will surprise you.

With scientist hard at work making new discoveries in the realm of skin care, you can bet that ingredients to help issues we cannot help ourselves will only keep becoming available to the consumers. If you are not fighting any issues related to the eye, than no an eye cream is not needed but if puffy eyes and under eye circles are something you are fighting with I would check out what eye creams are offered to you. I could be a big help in trying to deal with these concerns. I hope this fully answered the original question of to use and eye cream or not and good luck with your search.

Source : Readbud

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